Of course we would never let a little thing like a global pandemic get in the way of delivering the images for a massive digital OOH campaign. It’s not our way.
So, bearing that in mind we’re delighted to unveil our latest efforts for PLUTO TRAVEL.
Shot by ace COY! photographer KEVIN MALLETT, for none other than DAVE DYE: creative boss of the exciting new agency LOVE OR FEAR.
Aimed at the ‘travel obsessed’, the photographs depict iconic travel destinations: as spotted around any typical household.
A pile of crumpled bedsheets under a washing line, becomes an Alpine scene.

Some discarded cardboard boxes - when viewed from a certain angle - look like the Pyramids, and a stack of empty bowls on a draining board double up as the Sydney Opera House.
What made this project even better was, Dave invited me to join him as part of the creative team.
We started with a blank sheet of paper, and, just five days later (after having fun with Kevin; from a safe distance obvs) we had a finished campaign up and running.
That’s probably quite a bit quicker than some campaigns take to get off the ground in ‘normal’ times…
Great! So, that’s the first lockdown shoot under our belt…can’t wait to get stuck into the next one!
MDEsq x.
Client: Pluto Travel.
Chief Product & Brand Officer: Harry Williams. Agency: LOVE or FEAR.
CCO/ECD/Creative Boss: Dave Dye. Creatives: Dave Dye & Mark Denton Esq. Chief Strategy Officer: Matthew Waksman. Photographer: Kevin Mallett.
Producer: Juan Coello Hollebecq.
Image Manipulation: Suren Pithwa.
Produced by COY! Communications.