We all know that radio has always been the best place to show off the art of the poster!!!!?!
So, if you’ve got a spare 59 minutes please feel free to listen to me waffling on about posters with Hugh Todd and Dan Dawson.
They’re the men behind ‘Behind the Billboard’ a great podcast series that talks to the creators of some of the best advertising posters of the last few decades… and yours truly (obvs.)
I know what you’ve thinking, aren’t you a TV commercials director Mark? (Please send scripts to Thomas Thomas Films).
True, but I have done a shed-load of posters over the last 40 odd years (and I’m still doing ‘em btw, fyi, etc).
You can listen to it here: https://behind-the-billboard.simplecast.com/episodes/behind-the-billboard-episode-8-mark-denton
MDEsq x.